Authoritative Scientific Testimonials Collected by Valtorta Publishing


Compiled with Additional Testimonials from



Astronomical details in Maria Valtorta's writings were proven accurate.  Theoretical Physicist Professor Lonnie Lee Van Zandt upon reading the Poem observed that in March of year 0033 Valtorta recorded in one of her visions seeing Jupiter, Mars, Venus and "stars of Orion: of Rigil and Betelgeuse, of Aldebaran, of Perseus, Andromeda and Cassiopeia and the Pleiades" along with a waning moon in the night sky.  Using a complex Astronomical computer program, he conducted a stellar excursion into the distant past and discovered that this was only possible for two days in March of 0033.  This astronomical scenario doesn't occur for many decades before and after those two days.  Moreover, he discovers several other similar astronomical conformations.  It would have been impossible for anyone in the 1940's to determine these astronomical alignments.  These impossibly exact details "tax the credulity of even the immovable atheist more than the alternative that Jesus showed it to her.  In the words of Sherlock Holmes, when you eliminated the impossible, that which remains, however merely improbable, must be true."



     Many objections disputed that Maria Valtorta is the only visionary who described Jesus as having golden blonde hair and bright blue eyes.  Furthermore, the Church universally accepted, that Jesus being a Jew, had dark skin, dark eyes, and dark hair.  Remarkably, in 1964, a tablet from Pontius Pilate to Tiberius Caesar was recovered in a archeological find (a copy of this letter is in the Congressional Library in Washington, D.C.) which describes Jesus' physical appearance.  It describes Jesus as having golden colored hair.  Another unearthed description by Publius Lentrelus describes Jesus' eyes as bright blue. Link  Maria Valtorta is the only Visionary to get this right!


While reviewing the evidence of the Shroud in 1999, Dr. Gilbert Lavoie presented another intriguing discovery, that the body had light blond hair.



Dr, Vittorio Tredici, geologist and mineralogist, Italy (1952):


"I wish to underline the author's unexplainably precise knowledge of Palestine in its panoramic, topographic, geological and mineralogical aspects."



Dr. Nicholas Pende, endocrinologist of world renown and consultant to the Sacred Congregation of Rites, (1952):


"She describes a phenomenon which only a few informed physicians would know how to explain, and she does it in an authentically medical style."



Researcher David J. Webster:


     Webster observed that Valtorta named nine towns and villages that were not discovered until after her death.  He posted a landmark 31 page article that fundamentally proves the authenticity of Maria Valtorta's writings. The "Poem of the Man-God" may be the very first Private Revelation ever to be scientifically proven genuine. David meticulously and methodically examines Maria Valtorta’s strikingly accurate descriptions of first Century Palestine for every piece of topographical evidence. He then compares this evidence with currently known facts that are only now being proven authentic.


     "Over thirty percent or 79 (all entries marked with * and **) of the 255 geographical sites in Palestine mentioned in the Poem were not listed in the 1939 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (ISBE) Atlas. 62 (all**) of these 79 were not even listed in the 184 page Macmillan Bible Atlas (MBA) published in 1968. Where did Maria Valtorta get all these names? For a first century eye-witness to include so many obscure and unknown names would, of course, be expected. And most surprising is that these names, obscure and unknown in the 1940’s, are being proven authentic. 52 of these 62 have no biblical reference whatever and 17 of these with no biblical reference have been either indirectly confirmed as authentic by recent "ancient external sources" found in the Macmillan Bible Atlas (1968) or actually listed in the HarperCollins Atlas of the Bible (1989). This makes a total of 29 confirmations since the 1939 ISBE atlas listing. Also among those 62 sites are mentioned the ruins of 6 ancient Palestinian cities some corresponding to the modern consensus on location. In addition, Valtorta’s precise descriptions of the natural topography of Palestine from numerous locations and the information about the outside pagan world of that day, including people, places, customs, Greek and Roman mythology, related in the conversations of that day, are strikingly correct."